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Fracture Around Knee Replacement

What is a fracture around a knee replacement?

A fracture around the knee replacement means a break in the bone near or around the area where a knee implant has been fitted. These fractures can occur in the femur, tibia, or patella and generally result from trauma or a fall; they can also arise as a result of insidious symptoms related to bone weakness around the implant, often because of osteopenia or osteoporosis.

What are the symptoms of a fracture around a knee replacement?

The symptoms of a fracture around a knee replacement are sharp pain in the knee or thigh area, inability to bear weight through the affected limb, and possibly deformity or swelling. The patients will also show poor mobility or inability to move the knee joint properly, which may interfere with the stability of the implant.

How are fractures around a knee replacement treated?

Treatment of fractures around a knee replacement depends on the severity and location of the fracture, as well as on the condition of the knee implant. The less serious are treated by immobilization with limited weight-bearing, while serious ones are usually treated with surgery. Surgery may include screw and plate fixation or even partial implant replacement in cases of loosening or damage to implanted material.

What is the course of healing after a fracture around the knee replacement?

The treatment typically involves rest, limited weight-bearing, and physical therapy to restore strength and function. Recovery times may differ due to the severity of the fracture and surgery. It would take many patients several months for the bone to heal; meanwhile, some needed rehabilitation to work their way back to mobile and strong knees. In extreme situations, walking devices are used during recovery.

Can fractures around a knee replacement be prevented?

Fractures can be prevented by avoiding falls, maintaining bone strength, and ensuring the stability of knee implants. This one can achieve through regular exercise for strength, balance, and flexibility, plus a diet containing calcium and vitamin D. General advice also includes the avoidance of high-impact activities and treatment of any bone health conditions, such as osteoporosis, to minimize the risk of a fracture occurring around a knee replacement.

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